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- Parents & Students
The PAC meeting are generally held on the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at 6:30 pm in the library. We have great informal, friendly meetings and attendance would be most appreciated! Babysitting is provided by leadership students.
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- Learning Commons
Welcome to Drinkwater’s Library Learning Commons.
Our goal is to inspire students and foster a life-long love of reading! You may browse our catalogue at the Catalogue link, or visit our full website (catalogue included) at the following link:
- Calendar & News
Latest School News
- Out of School Care June 8, 2024
- Supporting Literacy Through Games June 8, 2024
District School News
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Calendar of Events
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Family Day (No Classes in Session)
Family Day (No Classes in Session)
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2 Hour Early Dismissal
2 Hour Early Dismissal
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- Contact
Contact Information
Phone: (250) 748-9232
Hours: 8:30 am – 3:00 pmPrincipal: Brenda Stevenson
Vice-Principal: Grant Mellemstrand
Secretary: Ashlee NoyesBell Schedule
- School Starts: 8:30 am
- Lunch Time: 11:10 – 11:57
- Dismissal: 2:15pm